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3 Cool Magnetic Toys from Feel Flux | Magnetic Games

Magnetic Games
They are 3 magnetic games based on the principles of magnetic induction and Lenz’s law. They are pleasant and very relaxing pastimes. Discover the world famous magnetic STEM toy with a mesmerizing anti-gravity effect! Desk toy, skill toy, fidget toy—built to last forever. Click here for the Feel Flux shop https://shop.feelflux.com/?ref=i51ctck2rmle LIKE & SUBSCRIBE HERE: […]

Magnetic sculptures demolition ASMR | Magnetic Games

Magnetic Games
When I still didn’t have the magnetic cannon, I demolished the magnetic sculptures like this 🙂 I think the sounds appeal to ASMR lovers. LIKE & SUBSCRIBE HERE: http://bit.ly/Sub2MagneticGames WATCH MY TOP VIDEOS HERE: http://bit.ly/MagneticGamesTopPlaylist On my channel you will find all the ways to have fun with magnets divided into 3 main categories: Classical […]

8 Amazing electrostatic tricks | Magnetic Games

Magnetic Games
Electrostatic effects have always fascinated me … almost like magnetic ones 🙂 so I did something different, no magnets this time. Here is the list of objects you need to replicate these experiments polycarbonate sheet PVC pipe aluminum cans tinfoil polystyrene balls polycarbonate tube plastic bags It is very important to electrostatically charge polycarbonate and […]

Batman VS Joker, Wayne Tower made of magnetic balls | Magnetic Games

Magnetic Games
The magnetic cannon and the catapult bring down the Wayne tower, in the eternal fight between Batman and Joker this time Joker wins. Do you like Magnetic Balls? Please use coupon code “magneticgames” to get 25% OFF Tesseract Set : http://bit.ly/2lx8NLn Polymer Coated : http://bit.ly/2AKJYUZ Zen Magnets : http://bit.ly/2zYx9XD I thank Magnet Triks Channel for […]

Top 5 Satisfying magnet tricks | Magnetic Games

Magnetic Games
Magnetic slime , Monster magnets , Coins and magnets in balance and magnetic sculptures. Here there are the 5 most satisfying magnetic tricks. Do you think there are magnetic tricks more satisfying than these? let me know in the comments How to make magnetic slime at home? click here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4vDe3SiRwc You can find the magnets […]

Magnet Cuboctahedron Lamp VS Magnetic Catapult | Magnetic Games

Magnetic Games
This lamp made of magnets is beautiful, if I didn’t need the magnets to make other sculptures I would have put it in the living room. I thank Magnet Triks Channel for giving me this fantastic magnetic catapult 🙂 Here you can find the video of its construction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuxUlpVra08 Here the product used in this […]

Magnet Satisfaction Extreme , Cube and Octahedron | Magnetic Games

Magnetic Games
Building these magnetic sculptures gives me an extreme satisfaction, the sounds and the perfection of the geometries of these magnet creations are still surprising for me. Here the magnets used to build those magnetic sculptures: Magnetic Putty : https://sumag.net/mag-putty-x01 10mm Magnetic Balls https://sumag.net/k-10-c-x02 Magnet sphere 40mm https://sumag.net/k-40-c-x01 Large Flux Detector : https://sumag.net/flux-detect-xl-x01 LIKE & SUBSCRIBE […]

Coins in a magnetic field | Magnetic Games

Magnetic Games
It looks like magic but it is not. The coins are in a precarious balance thanks to the magnetic field of the Monolith, the monster magnet, which supports the weight and magnetizes them making them stay attached to each other. Monster Magnet Monolith : https://sumag.net/monolith-x02 LIKE & SUBSCRIBE HERE: http://bit.ly/Sub2MagneticGames WATCH MY TOP VIDEOS HERE: […]